Palmitamide 十六碳酰胺

CAS 629-54-9 MFCD00025534




Mol. FormulaC16H33NO
Mol. Weight255.45
Boiling Point236°C/12mmHg(lit.)
Melting Point103.0 to 108.0 deg-C


Chemical NamePalmitamide
Synonym n-hexadecanamide palmitic acid amide palmitamide n-Hexadecansäureamid
MDL NumberMFCD00025534
CAS Number629-54-9
Beilstein Registry Number2(4)1182
PubChem Substance ID69421
Chemical Name Translation十六碳酰胺
LabNetwork Molecule IDLN00240417
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  • {uni_hamburg} no charge; amide; 1fragment


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