RTECS | RO5300000 |
TYPE OF TEST : Cytogenetic analysis
ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal
TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - rat
DOSE/DURATION : 10 mg/kg
BJPCAL British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy. (London, UK)
V.1-33, 1946-68. For publisher information, see BJPCBM.
Volume(issue)/page/year: 6,357,1951
TYPE OF TEST : Mutation test systems - not otherwise specified
ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal
TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - rat
DOSE/DURATION : 10 mg/kg
BJPCAL British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy. (London, UK)
V.1-33, 1946-68. For publisher information, see BJPCBM.
Volume(issue)/page/year: 6,357,1951